From Coach Bee
Coach Bee is a Health and Fitness Consultant from Singapore residing in Bangkok, Thailand and the favored Personal Trainer/Lifestyle Consultant of many high profile locals. Coach Bee’s specialties include Fitness, Yoga, Strength and Nutrition, Coach Bee creates bespoke agendas for clients (Corporate/Individual) aimed at creating a better mind, body and soul.
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Why gluten-free?
In simple terms, gluten is a type of protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. You see it most often in cereals, breads, and grains. But I chose to make my bread gluten-free because it is better for my digestive health and I tend to bloat more with gluten, and I found out I am sensitive to gluten because I went on a 10 day no sugar fast which also meant no gluten and after that 10 day fast, the first thing I ate was a the most delicious plate of creamy pasta. However, the next day I looked pregnant and my energy levels were low. Thus, if I can choose to make gluten-free anything. I will.
What does vegan mean?
Vegan means there are no traces of eggs or products that comes from a fly, an insect or an animal. Yes, you heard me, there are no eggs in there and especially no dairy of any kind.
What are the benefits of Chia seeds?
Chia seeds is small but comes from a superfood family. They are high in nutrients, low in calories. They are high in fiber, protein, calcium, magnesium, zinc and high in antioxidant too! I do not eat Chia seeds enough on the regular basis thus when I bake, I throw in Chia seeds whenever to get in as much nutrients in all the food I eat as much as I can.
Coconut oil versus butter

Both products have saturated fat however because this recipe is vegan, and butter comes from an animal and our source is a Cow. Thus, I personally do not want to eat or consume anything that comes from a Cow for ethical reasons. But for explanation purposes I will not be biased. Coconut oil is mainly fats while butter have traces of vitamin A, D, E, and K. it also contains traces such as calcium and proteins in there for obvious reason (it comes from an animal). However, store bought butter may be so highly processed that it is mostly infused with sodium and chemicals. But also, be mindful when buying coconut oil and ensure you are getting unrefined coconut oil for the full flavour bodied and it comes from its most natural state. Coconut Oil has plant-based fats contain phytosterols which help reduce the bad cholesterol. Butter has cholesterol and no phytosterol compounds since it is a dairy product. All in all, both products have their own specific benefit. In conclusion, I will prefer to use coconut oil in baking, and I will use ghee as a substitute of butter.
Cane sugar versus granulated sugar
Even though all kinds of sugar provide sweetness to your tea, food and desserts, they all have vastly different nutritional values. Raw sugar such as cane sugar is still a processed sugar, just a little bit less so than its white cousin. Contrary to popular beliefs, raw sugar is not healthier than refined sugar. It just looks like it is. I will be talking about it a separate blog entry. So stay tune! In the meantime, try to have less sugar or have sugar that comes from fruits!

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