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Headline News from Shayne Heffernan

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Along with our managing partners we have a very large network of Introducing Brokers and employees worldwide. We have direct access to liquidity from the top global banks which allows us to maintain our competitive edge by providing tighter spreads for our customers. Our software uses an aggregation unlike anything in the industry to optimize the process of using multiple pools of liquidity. Our clearing partners are regulated across the World to ensure client safety and security. We Monitor the regulatory reports and financial status of our partners constantly to ensure the highest levels of security.

Democrats Driving Asian Hate

The sanctions imposed by the European Union (EU) on Chinese individuals and entity citing Xinjiang are malicious political tricks that…

S. Jack Heffernan Ph.D S. Jack Heffernan Ph.D

Marketing Tactics That Can Uplift Crypto Businesses

Although cryptocurrencies are no longer new, some people are still skeptical about investing in these digital currencies. A survey found…

John Heffernan John Heffernan

Viridi Funds Launches $RIGZ, an NYSE-Listed Cleaner Energy Crypto-Mining & Semiconductor ETF

Viridi Funds ("Viridi"), a registered investment advisor and emerging fund manager providing environmentally focused crypto investment products, today announced the…

S. Jack Heffernan Ph.D S. Jack Heffernan Ph.D
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