GBiT took off in over the last week jumping 150%
GBIT Ecosystem
ROI, Appreciation, Limited Supply
DeFi is a the high growth end of the Crypto world, the promise of huge returns leading to failure, resurrection and failure in an endless cycle, not at GBIT we control a total of 10 very different Cryptocurrencies, they are launched in turn as we take concept to proof of concept and then to market.
Limited Supply
5m only, no more ever, impossible to expand. 5m set in stone for all eternity.
Continued Growth of Governed Coins
GBIT has 10 different Cryptocurrencies and is building more to meet the needs of a changing world, this continued expansion creates the ROI and Appreciation for GBIT.
Total Supply: 5,000,000 Funding of Development: 1,000,000 Fair Launch Supply: 4,000,000
GBIT Protocol
GBIT is the Central Bank of our Ecosystem Fees all Cryptos = redistributed to all existing holders New Cryptos = Auto-Distribution of 5% of Total Tokens

GBiT Governance tokens confer holders the power to influence decisions concerning the core protocol, product or feature roadmap, hiring and staffing, and changes to governance parameters.
All software needs mechanisms for being updated or patched. Unforeseen vulnerabilities might be found. In addition, the community could find that poor token design or unforeseen events have left elements of the codebase irrelevant, nonfunctional, or even illegal.
Finally, there are usually small parameters in a codebase that must be updated over time. Tokens with governance rights confer holders some degree of influence over these issues, typically through a voting process, though this influence can vary remarkably based on percentage owned.
‘Blockchain governance’ typically refers to decisions about the codebase itself, for example, whether Bitcoin would accept larger blocks or implement Segregated Witness, but it has also expanded to include influence over how the host platform is managed and marketed.
With Bitcoin andEthereum, the entities performing such functions (Bitcoin Foundation and Ethereum Foundation) have no formal relationship to BTC or ETH holders. Recent governance mechanisms, such as with QTUM, have sought to formalize such entities and the relationship between them and token holders.
This projects grant token holders the ability to allocate funds from a project treasury to contractors who perform various project related services, such as development, PR, research, outreach, and legal representation.
‘Blockchain governance’ typically refers to decisions about the codebase itself, for example, whether Bitcoin would accept larger blocks or implement Segregated Witness, but it has also expanded to include influence over how the host platform is managed and marketed. With Bitcoin and Ethereum, the entities performing such functions (Bitcoin Foundation and Ethereum Foundation) have no formal relationship to BTC or ETH holders. Recent governance mechanisms, such as with QTUM, have sought to formalize such entities and the relationship between them and token holders.GBiT has taken its own path re Proof of Stake for Voting.
Our History
Our Governance Token is GBIT, just re-launched after a deal with Knightsbridge. GBIT owners are given a vote on the Exchange matters as well as participating in the new coins/token generated within the Knightsbridge Ecosystem, great for the owner and develops a strong Exchange community creating multi-level partnerships and deep interactivity 100% Community Driven. GBIT is already listed on Coin Market, in Google and trades on Forkdelta and the Knightsbridge Exchange.
In its first move the 100% founder funded Crypto HOPE has taken over GBIT a token issued back in 2017 with the aim of becoming the world leader in Non Politicized Money.
HOPE plans on taking over other stalled Crypto’s but sees GBIT as a cornerstone acquisition, GBIT will now serve as the reserve blockchain unit, unchanged forever at a tiny 5 million tokens and will become the board of directors as such for all Hope’s future moves. Owners of GBIT will be entitled to share in the growth, vote on changes and become the ultimate Yeild/DeFi coin.
Hope having taken over GBIT will continue to build on environment recognition and awareness, Hope has already commenced work on an NFT Art Gallery to live inside the ecosystem, the “Knightsbridge Gallery” is expected to launch in June with works from recognized artists curated by Art Collectors and the GBIT owners.
The Reserve Crypto of Non Politicized Money
Money was originally envisaged as a unit of exchange, a measure of value and a store of wealth, but in the modern world those original goals have been replaced as governments print money to cover their spending, they manipulate interest rates and fx rates for domestic and international trade purposes and the money that the individual has suffers as a consequence.
What was once your money is no longer yours, it is an asset whose value is determined by the government of the day and the use of those funds is restricted depending on what country has issued that currency.
Now that money, that was meant to be yours, is a tool for the Central Bank and the Authorities, there is no democracy when it comes to money either, you as a citizen regardless of how rich or poor you are have absolutely no say in the policy of non-elected bureaucrats at the Central Bank, at the Finance Ministry, they will determine the value of your money at will, they will decide to print more, change rates, adopt a low dollar policy or issue debt without any input from the citizenry.
The idea of the citizens of a nation benefiting from the growth of the economy is not socialism, it is a core value of capitalism, but politicians have hijacked that growth, that wealth now sits with a small number corporations and institutions as barriers to entry and government regulation forces small business to the curb and crushes individuals.
Government use the money that was meant to be yours on supporting their own excess, they spend it on politically motivated foreign aid, wars, social programs. They waste so much money now it is impossible to fathom where it all ends, corruption is rampant at a global level.
This system will slowly destroy the value of traditional money, but you will not notice, the reason you will not notice is that it is happening at a global level, it is a problem in all countries. What you will see is the unfair distribution of wealth that this new system is creating, we can see it now, the super rich have so much it is staggering.
Not at GBiT
We want to be a wealth factory, we will create an economic cybernation that will see the citizenry participate in our success, not be diluted by politics.
At GBiT there is an initial round of tokens, smart contracts built on blockchain, that initial amount is final, it can only grow via forks and subsidiary issues, no new issue of GBiT will ever be made. This is the foundation of our world.
Our environment Token, Exchange, Technology is our cybernation, our citizens are our token holders.
As the growth of our cybernation continues on many fronts so does the value of our token and hence the value of those token holders.
True wealth storage, true inclusion of citizens and true capitalism.
As fees and revenues grow there will be massive reinvestment in our cybernation, the creation of an entire world within our very own GUI allowing citizens to access many free and many exclusive services like a loyalty program on steroids. Being a citizen of our cybernation will have an attraction above and beyond the store of wealth.
Money, real Money as the people intended will exist once again without the waste of big government, without artificially low interest rates and without currency wars, just pure simple money.
At the exchange level there will be cryptosecurities traded and there will be a separate provision for member states. Member state will be crypto issuers who share our belief in real money and will abide to our Charter of conduct, they will be using our cybernation as a central bank.
We will continue to build interfaces with the Fiat money real world making integration as simple and easy as USD to EUR. We will be as liquid as possible within the limits of volatility.
Hand in hand with true capitalism we bring true democracy, 1 Token 1 Vote this will ensure the future for GBiT for an eternity.