Sovereign Individual

Become a Better Trader: Stop PornHub, Games and Social Media

PornHub, games, and social media can all be addictive, and addiction can have a negative impact on your trading performance.…

S. Jack Heffernan Ph.D S. Jack Heffernan Ph.D

The Cracks are Showing: Why Western Politics is Fracturing Between the Establishment and the People

The tremors are undeniable. Across the West, a tectonic shift is occurring in the political landscape. The traditional left-right axis…

S. Jack Heffernan Ph.D S. Jack Heffernan Ph.D

Breaking Down the PornHub Paradox

In the digital age, where access to adult content is just a click away, questions surrounding its impact on personal…

S. Jack Heffernan Ph.D S. Jack Heffernan Ph.D
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